Cranmore: 01749 880271 Email: Office hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm

Decisions & Advice
We understand that the prospect of organising a funeral and dealing with the affairs of someone who has died can be daunting at this difficult time, as there are many tough decisions that need to be made and various procedures that need to be followed. We consider it our privilege to be able to help and guide our clients through the entire process, making it as straightforward as possible.
The following pages have been designed in order to assist you with dealing with the various matters at hand. However, our friendly team of staff are on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are able to provide you with additional information should you so wish.
In order to alleviate some of the pressures that may arise upon a death, certain elements of the funeral can be planned in advance. Making prospective funeral decisions can be utilised for taking out a pre-paid funeral plan, which not only records your funeral wishes but also financially lessens the burden upon death, or in the completion of a last wishes form, to which no finance is attributed.
Details of all pre-paid plans will be retained by either the chosen funeral director or the pre-payment plan firm. The last wishes forms can be retained in your records and with a next of kin or executor in order that your funeral wishes are expressly communicated.